Ho, ho, ho, men are weird! I mean, am I right ladies? They wear holey boxers (ew!), rate each other’s burps and farts (double ew!) and when Sunday rolls around, you might as well forget that you’re even in a relationship. “It’s football season baby, you know I can’t have lunch with you and your mom today.” Didn’t he say the EXACT same thing last week!? So when we asked a bunch of dudes what they were hoping to get from their girlfriends for the holidays this year, we were a little bit shocked to hear their answers. Wait, what? You actually want me to buy you new clothes and for us to go golfing? Whoa, check out these 7 awesome gift ideas from real guys and even a few from their girlfriends.

For the Sports Fanatic
Yeah, he loves football but this guy wants you to share in his love for sports too. And hey, you might actually even like them if you let yourself try. “Something we could do together that a guy would enjoy like tickets to a sporting event would be awesome,” says Michael S., age 23. “Or, if she’s athletic, golf lessons for two, that way it’s something I could enjoy as a gift, but she could participate in too.” Hey, not a bad idea Michael…plus, it sure beats the hell out of watching the game on TV.
For the Music Lover
He already owns all of the Justin Bieber albums and has been dying to see him in concert, so we bet he’d kill to score some backstage passes to see the Biebs live. Okay, we’re totally kidding, but seriously, why not snag your man a few tickets to see his favorite band for Christmas? That’s exactly what 21-year-old Ashley W. plans on doing, and we know her man will love his gift.

This guy’s probably the easiest (and most fun) to shop for around the holiday season. Why? Because he’ll give you a list of what he wants, or will just want to go with you! “For Xmas this year, I have my eye set on a few things,” says 39-year-old Sam R. Take a peek at his wish list items to see what he’s asking for:
1. John Varvatos Aviator shades. “Classic, cool and much sleeker than the $6 shades I buy on Venice Beach.”
2. New Balance Running Shoes. “New Balance was once an ‘off the radar’ shoe brand that has now merged fashion, style, and affordability. Five minutes in these shoes and you’ll know what I mean.”
3. Paul Frank Boxers/Briefs. “I looove Paul Frank for the whimsical message in every pair. BE HAPPY! I introduced my clients Chuck Lorre and Emmanuelle Vaugier to the Paul Frank brand, and it’s working for them!”
For The Guy On The Go
He’s constantly on the run, so he’s gotta keep cozy somehow, right? “I’d love a nice coat that I can throw on for day or night that’ll keep me warm, but not too warm since I live in LA,” says Phil R., age 27. This is also a great gift idea for the business man on the go who lives someplace cold like New York City. You’ll obviously want to invest in a much heavier coat for him, but you get the idea.

This guy probably has all the major holiday hot ticket tech items (iPhone, iPad, etc.) crossed off his list already, but chances are when it comes to the accessories department he could use a little help. “I’m always in need of accessories to protect my iPod and iPad, but I never actually end up buying them myself,” says 27-year-old Kenny K. “It would be much easier if someone would just get them for me for the holidays!” We totally agree. Check out the iPad2 Summit Case, iFrogz Audio Vertex and Luxe Lean iPhone4/4s Case for a great gift set trio for your guy.
For the Southern Gentleman
He runs, he jumps, he swims, he plays, and he also loves to go on hunting trips, says Amanda T., age 20, of her southern man. So what’s a gal to get a southern gent for the holidays this year? Why, some hunting gear of course! “That’s what he does on the weekend to unwind from the week, so he knows he’ll use it more than once,” says Amanda, “it won’t just be a one time thing. He’d really love anything from the Bass Pro Shop or maybe a tree stand (there’s some great deals on Amazon) this Christmas.”
For the Car Guy
While you probs can’t afford to buy this guy a brand new ride (although I’m sure he’d really love that), you can help him pimp out the one he already owns with some sweet new upgrades. “My boyfriend is asking for tinted windows on his Denali and a new rod and reel,” says Rachel H., 23., “but Santa better be taking notes because he isn’t getting both from me,” she exclaims!
images: festivalsadvices.com, 29secrets.com