1- The Sporty Fragrance
This scent is floral citrus with a hint of grapefruit and blue lotus. Defined as the fragrance of the confident, fearless, natural born leader who is ready to OWN it by any means necessary.

2- The Sensual Fragrance
Floral meets fruits to complete this scent, with cranberry and tonka mousse. The woman who wears this fragrance is playful, romantic, irresistible, and an occasional heart breaker.

3- The Free-Spirited Fragrance
Floral hints with pear and mimosa highlights. The Natural feminine woman who is eccentric, rebellious and independent embodies this smell. She surely marches to her own tune.

4- The Stylish Fragrance
Oriental floral with wild cherry and purple amber. This scent is for the stylish woman who packs a unique personality and is truly a show stopper.

Thank you to L’Oreal Fragrance for making my birthday memorable and giving me the best birthday gift a girl could ask for – The Big Pony Fragrance Collection to add to my perfume addiction.
images: George Pimentel