Hitting the treadmill isn’t for everybody, so we scoped out some of the best new ways to get fit this season. Whether you’re heading to the pool in a few months or simply want enough energy to enjoy the weather, here are some fun ways to get in shape this spring.

Barre Class
Think your ballet days are over? They don’t have to be. Barre classes are popping up all over the country as one of the best and most elegant new ways to get toned. Controlled movements target the upper and lower body, ensuring a great workout that leaves you feeling stronger at the end of every session. If you’re not sure where to start, try Pure Barre to find a class near you.
Dance Like a Star
If you’re an MTV junkie, a major “Gleek,” or a Broadway lover, this exercise program is for you. Broadway Bodies offers fitness-packed classes with dance moves from the performances of your favorite artists. Learn to do Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” dance, leap across the stage to a Glee hit, or adopt Michael Jackson’s best moves, all in the name of fitness. Suddenly, waiting for the new season of Glee doesn’t seem so painful. Check out Broadway Bodies to get started.
Fitness Fundraisers
Ok, maybe exercising for your own good isn’t enough motivation, but would you do it for someone else? Spring and summer are prime fitness fundraising seasons, with groups like Relay for Life (American Cancer Society), Race for the Cure (Susan G. Komen), and the AIDS Walk all starting their events around this time of year.
Gather a group of friends and sign up for a cause you believe in; if your event doesn’t start until later in the summer, you’ll have a good reason to get moving in preparation.
Barry’s Bootcamp
Barry’s Bootcamp might just be the hottest thing since Brad Pitt circa 1990, building stronger, leaner bodies for celebs like Katie Couric, Kim Kardashian, and Katie Holmes.
This hour-long class is made up of cardio and strength training intervals that concentrate on one major muscle group at a time. The result? Strength and agility we could all use to make the most out of an action-packed summer. For more info, check out the Barry’s Bootcamp Web site.
Fitness Camp
If you’re skipping the gym because there isn’t enough time for it, you might want to consider a fitness vacation. Several exercise retreats have been set up around the nation (like on the beaches of California and mountains of Vermont) where adult women gather for a week or more to get into shape.
Though a tremendous amount of fun, these fitness getaways are not for the faint of heart: they’ll kick your butt into action and can be rather costly. That said, women of all fitness levels are encouraged to sign up, making it a great kickstart to your pre-summer exercise plan. And hey, you get a vacation out of it too! Interested in learning more? Start your search with Premier Fitness Camp or Green Mountain.