Revamp Your Dating Life: Experiencing New Firsts Together

Once the initial honeymoon phase wears off in a relationship, many couples find themselves stuck in the same ol’ familiar routine. They eat at the same restaurants, do the same stuff on the weekends and hit up the same bars that have become their go-to spots since they first began dating. Why? Well, because it’s easy. Plus, there’s absolutely no risk involved at all. They already know that they enjoy doing these things together. But come on, after a while, it all starts to get really, really boring, right?

To my horror, I recently noticed this pattern developing in my own relationship (my boyfriend and I have been together for over two years now, so it kind of makes sense). However, I decided it was high time we finally do something about it. Thus, we hatched a plan to experience new firsts together. The only rule we had going in to this was that each date had to be an activity we’ve never done as a couple. To spice things up and revamp your own love life, try out some of our date night ideas.

1. Mini Golf

Nothing makes you feel like a kid again like a good game of mini golf! Invite another couple along, and eat dinner at a random restaurant before you play. Have fun in the arcade first. But wait and trade in your tickets later and score silly little prizes for each other. On the golf course, feel free to keep score. If one of you tends to be a bit too competitive though, definitely don’t. Remember: it’s supposed to be fun. Laugh, let loose and enjoy yourself. You’re young, wild and totally in love!

2. Ice Skating

Have a local indoor ice skating rink nearby? Grab your man and schedule a date night at the rink! Not only is it great exercise, but chances are, the last time you strapped on some skates was when you were in middle school, so it’ll automatically also remind you of sweet childhood memories. Sure, you might be terrible at first. After a while, you’ll both get the hang of it and have a blast.

3. An Amusement Park

Amusement parks always make for thrilling day dates! Go with a group of couples, or simply plan the day out for yourselves. Ride the merry-go-round, squeeze his hand on as many rollercoasters as possible and let him feel like a real man when he wins you a massive stuffed animal shooting hoops. Be sure to check out the amusement park’s schedule in advance to see if there’s a night that there’s a special performance or a fireworks show. Both are worth sticking around to watch.

4. An Outdoor Movie Screening

Where I live, there’s an outdoor movie at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery every Saturday. Couples bring blankets, bottles of wine and food to snack on while they watch the film and cuddle, of course. Look into screenings happening around your town, or even find out if there’s a drive-in movie theater nearby. The experience is so much more intimate and exciting than going to a regular movie theater. 

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