Miley Cyrus on Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood Clip: ‘I’m Not Sure How Titties Are Worse Than Guns’

#FreeTheNipple advocate Miley Cyrus might cop some flak about the kind of photos and twerk moves she shares with the world, but the star makes a very strong case in saying her behaviour is no worse than token-sweet-girl Taylor Swift‘s.

Appearing on the cover of Marie Claire US, Miley said she doesn’t get “the whole violence revenge thing” in Taylor’s popular music video “Bad Blood”, which sees Taylor plot a deadly revenge on her nemesis.

“That’s supposed to be a good example?” the 22-year-old asked. “And I’m a bad role model because I’m running around with my titties out? I’m not sure how titties are worse than guns,” she continued.

[ See: 10 Times Miley Cyrus Was Just Being Miley ]

Photo: YouTube

She also had a few words for Swifty-collaborator Kendrick Lamar, using him as an example to explain that there are double standards in the music industry.

“There is so much sexism, ageism, you name it,” Miley said. “Kendrick Lamar sings about LSD and he’s cool. I do it and I’m a druggie whore.”

Miley is nothing if not controversial, but has she made some valid points by calling out the “Bad Blood” stars?

[Via Marie Claire US]
