At this year’s Chanel Cruise show in St. Tropez, Karl Lagerfeld sent his models walking the runway in effortlessly light, natural-looking makeup.
A wonderful complement to what the couturier was going for with his resort-inspired fashions, the looks were created by Chanel make-up’s global creative director, Peter Philips, using a refreshingly soft color palette.
Re-create the easy, breezy, perfect-summer-look with the finds below . After all nothing says summer more than dewy skin and rosy cheeks.

Product Order:
1. Deborah Lippmann in Baby Love, $16 http://lippmanncollection. stores.yahoo.net/allproducts. html
2. Tom Ford Private Blend Lip Color in White Sable, $45 http://www.neimanmarcus.com/ store/catalog/prod.jhtml? itemId=prod109800002&eItemId= prod109800002&cmCat=search& searchType=MAIN&parentId=& icid=&rte=%252Fsearch.jhtml% 253FN%253D0%2526Ntt%253Dtom% 252Bford%252Blio%2526_ requestid%253D16596
3. Estee Lauder More than Mascara, $21 http://www.esteelauder.com/ product/spp.tmpl?CATEGORY_ID= CAT637&PRODUCT_ID=2068
4. Kanebo Sensai Fluid Finish, $50 http://www.kanebo.com/ products/item/sf002
5. NARS Blush in Desire, $26 http://www1.bloomingdales.com/ catalog/product/index.ognc?ID= 89126&CategoryID=2921&cm_mmc= Froogle-_-Womens-_-BLUSH-_- NARS_Blush&utm_source= GoogleProduct&utm_medium= organic
6. Chanel Le Crayon Sourcils, $28 http://www.chanel.com/en_US/ fragrance-beauty/Makeup-Brow- LE-CRAYON-SOURCILS-89271
7. Hourglass Eye Shadow Duo in Gypsy, $38 http://www.hourglasscosmetics. com/index.php?type=eyes&item= eyes_eyeShadowDuo
8. Chanel Soleil Tan de Chanel Illuminating Fluid, $48 http://www.chanel.com/en_US/ fragrance-beauty/Makeup- Bronzer-SOLEIL-TAN-DE-CHANEL- SHEER-ILLUMINATING-FLUID-88683