The Best Halloween Hair and Makeup Tutorials on YouTube

Zombie Barbie

It’s hard not to love Michelle Phan‘s instruction and commentary as you watch her go from regular girl to Barbie girl to zombie Barbie. If you don’t have a supply of liquid latex for “torn flesh” and fake blood, then this look will require some investment. Since all the special effects makeup came from Party City, however, it’s likely inexpensive, and you reasonably have most of the regular makeup in your arsenal. You could probably pick up the zombie makeup, some false lashes and any other necessities for under $30, and likely have a dress you could style as a Barbie costume in your closet. If not, the thrift store is the way to go. Look for a prom dress you can slash and splatter in “blood.” 

Phan also has Day Of the Dead, K-Pop Star and Seductive Vampire tutorials in her arsenal, among others.

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