7 Products That Combine Skin Care With Aromatherapy

What’s in a scent? Well, a lot, actually. It’s been proven that aromatherapy has many psychological and physical benefits. From helping to energize, uplift and improve one’s mood to relieve stress, relax and fall asleep. Besides, it smells sooooo good!

Combining skin care with aromatherapy? A real stroke of genius. Whether the tactic is used to enhance a serum, a facial mist or a makeup-removing cleansing balm, the amazing aromas make the products so much better. They also make getting up in the morning a whole lot easier. Just think about it. Looking forward to inhaling these scents is all the motivation you’ll need to roll out of bed. You might not even have to set the alarm before you drift off to dreamland.

If you’re worried these scents will be overwhelming, don’t be. The aromas aren’t cloying. They’re light enough to not be oppressive, but fragrant enough to make a lasting impression. Some are so good you can even skip perfume.

So are you ready to go ahead and make the switch? Yeah, we thought so. Here are seven products that not only help address your skin care needs, they also have aromas that offer some great fringe benefits.

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