Do These Poses To Help Fight Stress
Reclined Pigeon (Side View)
Lie on your back bending your knees and placing the soles of your feet on your mat. Cross your left ankle over your right knee and place your left arm between your legs, wrapping your right arm around your right knee. Draw your right knee to your chest. Remember to keep your feet flexed. Reverse the side.
Reclined Pigeon (Top View)
Sit upright and pull your heels toward your pelvis, dropping your knees to the side. Press the soles of your feet together and fold forward.
Half Straddle Side Bend
Sit with your legs stretched in front of you and place the sole of your right foot into your left inner leg. Then place your left elbow on your left knee and reach your right arm up and over as you twist your navel to the right. Look up at your right hand. Reverse the side.
Legs Up the Wall
Bring your legs up a wall, and lie back with your arms out to the side. You may elevate your pelvis on a folded blanket to further boost circulation.