Health Experts and Foodies On The One Food They'd Never Eat
Michael Olajide, Jr.
Founder of Aerospace
"Tinned foods — whether soup, fruit or vegetables — I personally would never eat. Not only for the obvious leeching, but for the preservatives used on the products to keep them 'edible.'"
Nicole Katz
Founder of Yoga 216
"There is NOTHING I won't eat. For me aversion and attachment are the same thing, so there isn't anything I can say I would 'never' eat. If I want it, I have it — ALL things in moderation."
Julia K. Stephens
“Anything fried is totally off the table for me!”
Patrick Frost
Master trainer at Barry's Bootcamp
“The stuff I avoid would be anything fried. It's my weakness, though, so I've been known to throw caution to the wind and go nuts on my cheat days. Can't shake my Southern roots!”
Todd Jacobs
Executive chef at Fresh Hamptons
"There are many things classified as ‘food’ that I will not eat. It is sad that so much time and effort goes into making tasty poison. I try to stay away from everything that comes in a box, but I will never, ever eat brightly-colored, sugar-laden cereals."
Brendan Weafer
Professional mixed martial artist and personal trainer
"Sugar. For every action our bodies have a reaction. Our blood sugar levels can have an affect on our energy levels, and how hungry we feel throughout each day."
Julia Falamas
Trainer at Epic Hybrid Training
"Almost anything out of a vending machine. With the exception of nuts, anything found in a vending machine is void of any nutritional value. You're better off saving your change for some fresh fruit!"
Theresa Krier
Founder of Big T NYC
"I'm open to most food and drinks, but one thing I do not drink is soda. Whether it's regular or diet, I won't touch it. Filled with chemicals, artificial coloring and sweeteners, it is not something I want to put in my body. Beauty starts from the inside out, and what you put in your body matters."
Halle Becker
SoulCycle instructor and founder of Homegirl Yoga
“I avoid pasta and the whole fork twirling ritual followed by an orgasmic sigh at all costs.”
Alexandra Shepherd
Mind body manager at exhale Downtown Miami
“Any processed snack with seasoning like Doritos. Processed snacks with seasoning are filled with chemical additives, such as preservatives, food coloring and corn syrup. These additives cause inflammation and in some cases are linked to cancer, diabetes, and are just empty calories.”
Matt Fitzgerald
Author, trainer, athlete and certified sports nutritionist
"I stopped eating veal in college when I found out how the animals it comes from are treated. I also avoid pig's feet, chitterlings and other foods that gross me out. You'd think they'd be easy to avoid, but my wife grew up on soul food and she still buys them occasionally! There are no foods I completely avoid for health reasons alone."
Ada Hung
Designer of BaliniSports
"The one food I would never eat — fast food! Everyday I try to eat any kind of antioxidant-rich food. Organic berries, papaya or antioxidant-rich essential oil drops are always a good choice."
Pamela Elizabeth
Owner of Blossom du Jour
“I'm a strict vegan, so I never eat any animal products whatsoever for moral reasons.”
David Kirsch
Founder of David Kirsch Wellness
"I would never eat highly-processed foods or foods with artificial sweeteners, colors or additives. As a fitness/wellness expert for over 20 years, I have personally seen the adverse affects these foods have on a person's path to wellness. Additionally, as a single father of 5-year-old twin girls, feeding them a diet of fresh fruits, grains, greens and clean protein has had a positive effect on their physical, emotional and cognitive development."
Whitney Tingle
Co-founder of Sakara Life
"I try to avoid hydrogenated oils at all costs. You can find those in foods like non-organic nut butters. It'll say it right in the ingredients list, so you can be sure to avoid them!"
Stephanie Levinson
“I would never ear donuts or funnel cake. I admit I like sweets, but donuts/funnel cake are off-limits because they are a fried mess of sugar, fat and chemicals.”
Stacey Griffith
Senior master instructor at SoulCycle and fitness expert
“I would never eat frog legs or cow liver.”
Lisa Moloshok
Instructor at SoulCycle
"Artificial sweeteners. I'm willing to admit I have a Diet Peach Snapple every now and again, but that's where I draw the line. I will never put those packets in anything, there's just nothing good about this stuff. I literally carry packets of stevia with me wherever I go for those sweetening emergencies!"
Madeleine Murphy
Co-founder of Montauk Juice Factory
“Soda. First of all, there are no nutritionally beneficial components in soft drinks. Soda consists of filtered water and highly addictive refined sugar. Diet soda is equally bad, instead of being high in calories and sugar, it is high in chemicals and carcinogens. These wreak havoc on your system, and affect every area of your health and how your body performs. If I'm feeling thirsty and I want something that has flavor or a little natural sweetness, I'll have fruit-infused water or iced herbal tea.”
Nancy Rose
Elite gymnast and Nancy Rose Performance designer
“I try not to eat candy, but who doesn’t need a cheat once in a while!”
Victoria Hoke
"I try to avoid any kind of packaged foods that have an ingredient list reminiscent of a short novel. I also feel strongly that if you can't pronounce it, you probably shouldn't eat it."
Founder and COO of Victoria's Garden Grown
Noa Ries
Founder of Vie Active
"I don't really 'never' eat anything these days, but I do definitely avoid sugar, and my life and waistline are much better for it."
Kelvin Gary
Body Space Fitness founder and personal trainer
“Food that lasts forever…like Twinkies and SPAM!”
Maranda Barskey
Instructor at Cycle House
“I would never eat maraschino cherries. I LOVED Shirley Temples as a kid, but nowadays you won’t find me popping those sweet little 'cherries' on or in ANYTHING. Not to be an alarmist, but basically, what started out as a cherry…becomes a toxic poison bomb! The cherries are soaked in brine (basically bleach), removing any essence of 'cherry' that was in there. Then the frankenfruit is dropped in another vat where they are cooked in high fructose corn syrup and red dyes…like, how can you even call that a cherry anymore?!"
Alex Nicholas
Trainer at Epic Hybrid Training
"Meat. There are many other healthy alternatives."
Emma Cutfield
Registered holistic nutritionist and education manager for Vega
“I always look out with caution for artificial colors. I consider these to be ‘trick-foods’ as they add no nutritional value. The purpose is to enhance our perception of a food (whether by alluding to its ripeness, freshness or flavor through a vibrant pigment), but it’s by no means an indicator of a nutrient dense choice. “
Michelle Swiatkowski
Instructor at Lyons Den Power Yoga
“I never eat protein bars. I have no idea what’s in most of them. I prefer my protein from raw nuts and seeds, as they contain no mystery powders or ingredients.”
Allison Enke
Registered dietitian for Whole Foods Market's Exclusive and Store Brands team
“One food I avoid eating is movie theater popcorn due to the expense on my wallet and my waistline. Depending on the size and toppings, movie theater popcorn can contain anywhere from 500 to 1500 calories, and be a significant source of fat and sodium! If I want to snack at the movie theater, I usually smuggle a healthy, portion-controlled one in like a baggie of trail mix or fresh fruit.”
Eve Kessner
Instructor at SoulCycle
"I do my very best to avoid any processed foods! Unless it is an absolute emergency, not a bite of it will enter my mouth or my kids'. Good rule of thumb, if you’re not entirely sure what’s what; avoid anything that has either hydrogenated oil or high fructose corn syrup in its list of ingredients. Also, best to avoid anything with more than five ingredients on its list. OR better yet even…avoid anything with an ingredient list when you can! Go fresh and natural as much as you can!"