But if you want to really find ways to tighten up in between conference calls, look no further. We rounded up specific moves to do in the privacy of your office, demonstrated by Asics elite athlete and ambassador and owner of DRS Athletics Rosario Rios-Aguilar. All you need is a desk, a desk chair* and less than 10 minutes.
Note: If you do these movements as a circuit, you can get a bit of cardio in as well. Do the first move, then move into the second exercise and then the third, and repeat for three rounds. Tighter buns will soon be yours.
*To avoid injury, be sure to lock the wheels on your desk chair, or use a stationery chair instead.
Get Tighter Buns Without Leaving Your Office
Squats Into Calf Raise
This movement will help you build lean muscle and get your energy level up.
Squats Into Calf Raise
You start by holding onto either your chair or your desk. You begin with your feet shoulder-width apart and descend your hips downwards into your heels. Make sure your knees are not going past your toes. Drive up through your heels and your mid-foot, and end with calf raises by pushing your toes into the ground. Do three rounds of 15 repetitions of this movement.
Bulgarian Split Squat
This movement will specifically target your glutes, hamstrings and quads.
Bulgarian Split Squat
Begin by putting one leg up on the chair and get your front foot far enough in front of you where you can lower your hips and back knee as shown in the picture. Keep weight in the middle of your body and push through the front heel. Do three rounds of 15 repetitions of this movement for both legs.
Single Leg Glute Ham Raise
This movement will specifically target your glutes, hamstrings and quads.
Single Leg Glute Ham Raise
Begin by lying on the floor and placing one foot on the chair, while raising the other leg up as straight as you can. The purpose is to make a 90-degree angle with the foot placed on the chair, so you can drive your hips up to the ceiling as you dig your heel into the chair. When you get to the highest point, move your hips back to starting position and continue the repetitions. Make sure the other leg stays up the entire time until you switch legs. Do three rounds of 15 repetitions of this movement for both legs.