Don’t Believe the Hype: Medical Studies Aren’t Always Based on Science Don't believe everything you read under the guise of science.
Angelina Jolie’s Powerful Decision to Remove Ovaries Resonates with Cancer Experts, Survivors Experts are applauding Angelina Jolie for yet another difficult decision.
5 Healthy Things to Make with Matcha (Besides Tea) Think matcha only works as a tea? These recipes will change your mind.
Can You Actually Be TOO Healthy? Why you may want to think twice before cutting carbs and skipping out on breakfast.
Sugar Doesn’t Actually Cause Cavities: 5 Dental Myths Debunked Before you spend that extra dollar on a whitening toothpaste, you may want to read this.
Is pH Optimized Skincare the Next Trend in Anti-Aging? We chat with PHACE Bioactive founder Marisa Vara Arredondo.
Dr. Frank Lipman on the 5 Health Myths That Drive Nutritionists Crazy We get the scoop from Dr. Frank Lipman.
Surprise! There’s More Sugar in Your Diet Than You Realized Why you may want to stop buying tomato sauce, peanut butter and more.
Your Everything Guide to Vitamin Deficiencies Those muscle cramps you were having may not just be from a particularly strenuous workout after all.