“YES. Striking and memorable the way all September issues should be, I love it…she’s such a superb model and has so much character and understanding of what she does…probably the reason why everyone produces such great work with her,” MulletProof enthused.
Scotty felt the same way, echoing, “I love it. RiRi delivers better than models today.”
“This is everything! Rihanna and Steven Klein created something spectacular, can’t wait to own this issue,” raved TeeVanity.
In the same frame of mind was Miss Dalloway: “This is fantastic, and I am one of those who think W has been awful for a long while now!”
Valesco was a fan of the outcome too. “The covers are spectacular! The editorial is visual overload…but in a good way. A little variety in my fashion magazines is satisfying. And yes, Rihanna delivers,” he commended.
“Klein upped his game for this one, IMO. Good Job,” applauded Pricciao.
Although the shoot wasn’t to everyone’s tastes. “This is fan-made right? RIGHT!? This cover doesn’t make any sense for me. The W font feels very wannabe and the main edit is, IMO, very weak, I like Rihanna but this is not her best work. She normally exudes grace and charm but here she looks very bland,” slammed an unimpressed YohjiAddict.
“I feel like I’ve seen this editorial one thousand times already,” MDNA disapproved.

See more from Rihanna’s W cover shoot for September and sound off here.