Oscar Nominee Gift Bag Is Worth More than Most Americans’ Salaries

Celebrities: Do they need to be lavished with any more expensive stuff? Of course they do. Because free designer duds, borrowed jewels, endorsements and millions of dollars to their name simply is not enough. We all know the gift bags celebrities get at award ceremonies are always filled with the best goodies, and this year’s Oscars, airing this Sunday, is no exception. 

According to Variety, the Oscar nominees’ gift bag is worth $125,000 and is filled with luxury goodies including $1,500 worth of French Mediterranean sea salts (because no thespian should have to use plebeian table salt), a $12,500 glamping trip, a $250 Haze vaporizer, a $1,500 stay at a Tuscany resort, and tons of other eye-poppingly fabulous prizes. There is even a $20,000 session with Enigma Life founder Olessia Kantor, who will happily treat each nominee to some good ol’ fashioned Hollywood hippie ripping off, flying out “to discuss their 2015 horoscope, analyze dreams and teach them mind control techniques.” Well, alright then.

The median household income for most Americans is $53,891. The Oscars gift bag is worth more than twice that. Just file this one under “must be nice.”

[via Variety]

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