New Study Says People Think Better of You When You Wear Black

Besides the fact that Jay Z thinks it’s cool, turns out wearing black clothing also makes other people think you’re cool. A survey done by UK retailer buy t-shirts online asked 1,000 people how they perceive others based on the color of clothing they wear. Turns out, if you want to come across as confident, intelligent or sexy, you should bet on black.

A staggering 56% of people surveyed said that they see people who wear black as confident. The rates were particularly high for men, 64% of whom selected black as their choice color. 48% of women agreed. In fact, black came in first or second for a lot of the positive traits mentioned in the survey. Following black, red and blue came in as the second and third most confident colors – good to know in case your LBD is stuck at the dry cleaners and you need alternatives. 

Red was the color most associated with arrogance, so the color clearly has a lot of different connotations, depending on who you ask. Pink was the color most associated with a lack of intelligence, with only 5% of people asked linking the color to braininess. Sorry Barbie

But overall, if you’re trying to impress people with your attire, your best option seems to be black, as “black came first or second in most ‘good’ traits (for example confidence, intelligence and sexiness) and barely figured in the “bad” traits (arrogance).” So forget doom and gloom: black has a new connotation and it’s all good.

[h/t Independent via buytshirtsonline]

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