WATCH: Justin Bieber Demands Some R-E-S-P-E-C-T from His Legion of Aussie Fans

Whether you’re pro-Justin Bieber or not, if you saw him walking down the street, chances are you’d probably ask for a photo with him. Maybe it’s for the claim, the LOLs or the double taps, but, unfortunately for you, the Biebs might not be so willing to jump in your selfie if you don’t treat him the way he feels he so deserves.

After arriving in Melbourne yesterday, September 27, the Canadian pop star got snappy on Snapchat, asking for some R-E-S-P-E-C-T with little-to-no Aretha Franklin sass, but soaring levels of princess, delivering a speech with some mumbo jumbo about honouring the “moment”.

“The way you ask or approach me when you want a photo with me is going determine if I take a photo or not. If I’m walking somewhere or arriving somewhere and you guys are asking me to take a photo, if I don’t respond, if I continue to keep walking, the likelihood is that I probably don’t want to take a photo at that moment,” he explained.

“If you start screaming louder that’s not going to make me take a photo more. I want to enjoy the moment just as you’re enjoying the moment but I can’t enjoy it if I’m not feeling there’s any respect given to me that moment,” he continued.

“Usually the chances are I’ll take a photo but if perhaps I don’t or I’m not in the mood to take a photo that moment, please just respect me and just treat me the way you want to be treated.

“That’s all, I just wanted us to be on the same page. It’s like, why did you travel to see me in the first place, was it really to see me or was it to get that moment of you seeing me so you could tell people about it?”

Yeah OK, BRB Justin. Just going to listen to this song on repeat.



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