NZ Company Angers Transgender Community with ‘Insulting’ Caitlyn Jenner Christmas Billboard

What do you think of this advertising board in Auckland??? #smackyourface

Posted by Smack your face on Tuesday, 1 December 2015

A New Zealand company has used Caitlyn Jenner's Vanity Fair cover for a holiday-inspired billboard, which includes the text: "I hope your sack is fuller than mine this Christmas". The signage brand, called Cranium, has angered members of the transgender community, with one viewer calling the ad "tasteless, crass, insulting and vile" in an email to the company's director, Phillip Garratt.  A screenshot shows Phillip replying to the email by saying, "I think you may need to take a look at yourself and relax a bit and not take life so seriously. I was referring to a santa sack your sick mind is the problem." The backlash from the sign saw the company remove it "due to people taking offence", replacing the content with a "censored" stamp instead. "It was not our intention to offend any people in the community/world," owner Phil wrote on Cranium's Facebook wall, adding that having "a wine or beer" with Caitlyn would be "an honour".


Good evening,We have removed our post and are now removing the sign tonight due to people taking offence. It was not...

Posted by Cranium Signage on Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Presumably in an effort to redeem itself, Cranium has taken on Facebook user Rebecca Jones' suggestion and has made a donation to Rainbow Youth who support queer & gender diverse youth in New Zealand.
