A few of our forum members seem to be confused about the cover image. “It is too zoomed in for my taste,” wrote KateTheGreatest.
“Agreed 100%,” replied Benn98. “Russian Allure started out on a high, but I think they’re taking these covers way too literal. This shot could’ve been perfect zoomed out a little.” He later questioned, “What’s being held against her face? A magnifying mirror, or spoon?”
MikeYork was also uncertain: “I don’t really understand the storyline in this cover shoot. Is it modern/future plastic surgery? But why the glasses? I don’t get it.”
“I want to know where her neck disappeared to. It seems like they cropped her from face down …” noted coutugh.
“That is psycho and not in a good way,” shared dodencebt.
“It’s too cold for September,” contributed TREVOFASHIONISTO.
Personally, I’m always up for close-up September covers (even though it’s supposed to be all about the new season collections), but I agree with our forum members on this one. The cover shot is almost too zoomed in. See inside the thread by clicking here for the accompanying cover story and for some more comments.