Natasha may resemble the American singer-songwriter from the rock band Blondie on the cover, but members of our forums are seeing someone else. “This cover is disappointing. Notwithstanding that awful hair but Natasha doesn’t even resemble herself. I thought it was Aline Weber at first glance,” shared AL92.
“I have to say the preview from Akeroglu’s Instagram looks better and Natasha looks like Aline Weber here,” agreed ash92.
Also noticing the resemblance was KateTheGreatest, who wrote, “Yeah I gotta agree, she looks so much like Aline Weber here. Not her best cover.”
Benn98 was left underwhelmed by the cover. “This is the first time I’m not feeling a VT cover. That preview was misleading. Because of the landscape and mood, I thought it would be something more natural. The main cover is such a let-down. The image is just not cover-worthy, and I’m not a fan of the hair as [it] reminds me of Donald Trump. The hashtag can go plus I hope these will not be the new fonts,” he posted, and even goes on to say, “I’m slowly getting fed up with Natasha Poly covering everything in only a matter of months.”
“Who does their layout?? Hashtags?? Oh no. Hell no. The fonts are all over the place,” disapproved a very unsatisfied MON.
A rave review from lalatran stood out from the rest. “This is everything that I need! She is giving [a] death stare like a wolf and the hair, the makeup. Her lips were perfectly drawn on and the badass studded leather jacket… spot on,” he wrote, obviously not sharing the majority of our forum members’ sentiments.
Are you a fan? See inside the thread for Natasha’s cover story and add your own two cents here.