Image: Allure
“The text looks like a 10-year-old added it to the photo using the Paint tool on their computer,” KINGofVERSAILLES commented. “The photo itself is good. Jessica Alba has probably never been anything less than stunning in a photo, and I like her hair.”
[J.]Oliver wholeheartedly agreed. “Horrible text aside, this is probably my favorite September cover so far. This woman rarely takes a bad photo.” Some people were a little confused as to why the actress was being featured at all. “Did I wake up in 2004 today?” GlamourousBoy quipped.
Perhaps he’s never heard of the Honest Company?
Handbag Queen was more than pleased to see the Ms. Alba nab such an honor. “Love Jessica! Now that she’s also a successful businesswoman, I’m curious as to why she couldn’t be on the cover of US Vogue…”
Because Beyoncé, duh. What do you think of Jessica’s cover for Allure? Sound off by joining the discussion in our forum.