Following up a questionable Karlie Kloss cover last month with this month’s unflattering Kylie Minogue cover, it appears that Vogue Spain is in a bit of a slump. (In the magazine’s defense, Vogue Australia didn’t exactly photograph Kylie in her best light back in May, either.) For July 2018’s laid-back cover image, Kylie appears barefoot and bejeweled in Dolce & Gabbana and denim, styled by Phoebe Arnold and photographed by Boo George.

The cover just didn’t work for our forum members. “Fiesta? In that hideous denim? Looks more like she’s prepping for a performance here. I like the setting, especially the backdrop and theme, but the styling doesn’t live up to it. This could really have been rather epic if it was styled better,” commented Benn98.
“Why is it so hard to do a good Kylie Vogue cover? Does it always have to be so tacky and devoid of high-fashion?” asked Miss Dalloway.
“This cover looks like The Hollywood Reporter,” IndigoHomme mocked.
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YohjiAddict wasn’t impressed either. “How many wrinkles does she have on her forehead to justify those bangs? Just awful. The styling is very incoherent in her editorial,” he added.
“The bangs on the cover are too flat and it looks like a cheaper catalogue shot,” pointed out Urban Stylin.
“I mean, her new album is country-inspired, so this cover makes sense,” reasoned forum member Wintergreen.
“Maybe she demanded the photo approval. The editorial is very in theme with her new style and album,” echoed fluxxx.
Magsaddict defended the magazine too, writing, “As an Aussie, I must say I’m actually sometimes pleasantly surprised to see how Kylie can get such big covers overseas, I thought her Vogue Australia cover last month was an impressive feat, let alone Vogue Spain too. Kylie’s 50th year is stellar so far!”
Are you an admirer? There’s a shot from Kylie’s editorial that would have made a spectacular cover. Check it out and join the conversation here.