Vogue Czechoslovakia December 2018 : Kirsten Owen by Michal Pudelka

Model Kirsten Owen Makes a Comeback on Vogue Czechoslovakia’s Andy Warhol-Themed December Cover

We love seeing 90s-era models make a comeback on the covers of our favorite magazines and this month, major kudos go to Vogue Czechoslovakia for skipping the usual suspects (Cindy CrawfordNaomi Campbell) and choosing Kirsten Owen as its December cover girl. The magazine launched back in August and got off to a rocky start with Karolina Kurkova, went for gold with Lara Stone a month later and fell off our radar completely for the November cover. Now, Kirsten participates in an art-inspired cover story while paying tribute to the iconic Andy Warhol. Photographed by Michal Pudelka and styled by Jan Kralicek, the Canadian-born English fashion beauty models Calvin Klein, appropriately shot around the Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art in Slovakia (complete with Warhol impersonator).

Vogue Czechoslovakia December 2018 : Kirsten Owen by Michal Pudelka

Members of our forums didn’t rate either of the two covers, however. “Why on earth will you allow the Vogue masthead to fade into the background? Don’t you want to sell? That shot would have been lovely as an ad campaign, but never for a cover. Too odd. The second cover provided no redeeming factor whatsoever. Tragic,” MON slammed.

“Literal Warhol printed clothing shot in front of the Warhol Museum. It’s almost insulting that they needed to spell it out like this,” Benn98 added.

“Having a random dude dressing up as Andy is the biggest insult to the artist ever,” phungnam96 said, referring to the second cover (below).

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Vogue Czechoslovakia December 2018 : Kirsten Owen by Michal Pudelka

“Really? Who is the EIC of this monthly mess? What’s the point? This is so pretentious and ugly, how is this even possible?” questioned zacatecas570.

The debate soon diverted to the casting. “Is Kirsten Owen such a modeling icon that she deserves a Vogue cover in 2018? It’s not like she’s a Naomi or Christy [Turlington],” woemwoem said.

“Kirsten may not be on the same level as her peers, but she has been consistently working since the late Eighties and she is still going strong. I don’t see how that’s not ‘deserving’ of a Vogue cover,” mikel fired back.

“Well, I think Owen TOTALLY deserves this cover. She’s been working as a model for decades and always brings us amazing work but this is not a good Vogue cover, more like a campaign… just not right,” commented luchang732.

A total missed opportunity for Vogue Czechoslovakia or a triumph? Sound off in the thread here.

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