With the number of print publications shutting down, on the brink of folding or switching to a digital-only format, the launch of a new print publication is major news. Today, Vogue has launched its newest international edition: Vogue Hong Kong, much to the delight of fashion fans. After successful debuts of Vogue Poland and Vogue Czechoslovakia, Condé Nast first broke the news back in October that a Hong Kong edition was in the works. The wait is finally over as the magazine celebrates its debut in style with the unveiling of three dynamic covers featuring models Gigi Hadid and Fei Fei Sun wearing looks from Chanel’s Haute Couture Spring 2019 collection, shot by British photographer Nick Knight.

Members of our forums, however, weren’t so convinced. “I’m a sucker for futuristic themed fashion images, so I applaud them and Knight for going with this. However the casting and styling is all wrong. I think that bejeweled bathing suit is positively ugly, and what’s with the tawdry looking cleavage? Gigi more than ever looks like a sex doll here, and not in a witty Barbarella way,” said Benn98.
“Premiere issues should always, IMO, present what the edition has to offer. Sadly, this cover just showed recycled creativity. The concept, recycled. The art direction, recycled. A terrible way to start,” called out MON.
“What a letdown…Gigi’s face is as lifeless as usual,” voiced kasper.
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“Shouldn’t have expected too much from them…” chimed in forum member rwwwwww.
Yet should Gigi Hadid be considered a controversial subject after that video? “This is what I exactly feared from this launch, that they would turn this into a political point/stand. I think they already have enough on their plate about both countries. Couldn’t they just enjoy and do something fun and spectacular as their launch cover? Maybe put Gigi aside to get less hate online. I would love a seen a cover with Asian Models, and references to the culture of Hong Kong as the cover,” stated AFWQ.
Mathewthew felt the same way: “I’m confused with the cover, because it doesn’t represent Hong Kong at all and putting a Caucasian model and an Asian model on the cover is not East meets West, it’s so cliche.”

Share your thoughts on the three covers and await more from Vogue Hong Kong’s inaugural issue, here.