It was just last month that Vogue Arabia celebrated two years of publication with Gigi Hadid, and the magazine isn’t showing any signs of ditching its boundary-pushing aesthetic just yet. Always one to highlight their culture (which can, unfortunately, be a rarity), Arabian Vogue welcomes Halima Aden, Amina Adan and Ikram Abdi Omar onto the cover for April 2019. The trio of Hijab-wearing beauties shatter stereotypes in a series of four celebratory covers.
Photographed by Txema Yeste and with Katie Trotter on styling duties behind-the-scenes, the girls pose together in cover one (below) and each goes solo on the remaining bold, unique and distinctive covers (pictured after the jump).

Members of our covers were intrigued. “Wow, striking! Particularly like the contrast. A minor quibble would be to just zoom it out a tad more to see the fashion and make it look like the white space is, in fact, three separate bodies. But it’s a great shot nevertheless. Wish Ugbad [Adbi] also got this cover,” voiced Benn98.
“Wow I love this! Where is Ugbad though? Halima looks AMAZING! Stunning cover,” chimed in RMDV.
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“Beautiful cover, has a slightly classic/vintage vibe to it but it also feels very current,” Wintergreen admired.
“It’s just a gorgeous cover shot, the art direction is a bit too UK Vogue, but they all look so beautiful, and content, I like it,” approved Miss Dalloway.
Sharing the same sentiment toward the stunning outcome was mepps: “All of the covers are gorgeous. Every single one of them!”
Srdjan sure liked what he saw too, raving, “God, Halima is so stunning! That solo portrait of hers reminds me a lot of Kate Moss’s picture for Love by Mert & Marcus but she might look even better here! Can’t look away!”

Are you fans of the covers just as much as we are? Show your favorite some love and join the conversation here.