If you’ve visited your local newsstand recently, you’ve probably noticed your favorite fashion glossies are sticking with the same old cover stars (Harper’s Bazaar and Jennifer Aniston and British Vogue plus Kate Moss are prime examples). But Marie Claire continues to think outside the box by giving its August 2019 cover to Missy Elliott. A total treat, Missy sports an embroidered Dolce & Gabbana coat picked by June Ambrose for the eye-catching cover shot by Micaiah Carter.

Members of our forums were ecstatic. “I’ll take everything! The hideous jacket, the OTT hair and that gaudy necklace because she’s the only one who can make it work. So happy she got this cover and wow, Micaiah Carter getting mainstream support. This entire effort screams brave and ballsy, which I like,” applauded Benn98.
“Hallelujah! Fabulous! I don’t even care about the cover itself, just having Missy is enough for me!” praised Lola701.
“Very happy to see Missy!” exclaimed KateTheGreatest.
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“Marie Claire really ups the ante when it comes to diversity this year. I like this cover. For some reason, the gaudiness has a surreal, camp-like quality to it. The overall effort is that rare occasion where maximalism manages to provide us with a feast for the eyes instead of an eyesore,” raved Ken Doll Jenner.
Forum member happycanadian is also a fan: “Completely and utterly in love with this. Missy looks sensational.”
“What a nice surprise! I like the way this edition has gone with the magazine, not always visually, but there have been some strong choices,” noted honeycombchild.
“I love everything about this. The true queen of hip-hop,” declared KINGofVERSAILLES.

See Missy’s cover feature in full and join the conversation here.