With the onslaught of spirit for the December holidays, it can be hard to remember that there's another, totally universal year-end event to celebrate: New Year's Eve! Throwing a party yourself this year but not sure how to give your celebration some serious oomph? We hear you. Thankfully, there are tons of ways to ensure that your party is the best of the best. Our favorite way to decorate has stuff coming at you from all angles: low, intimate lighting thanks to candles and their cute holders, cool stuff hanging from the ceiling, and shiny things hanging out all around. Oh, and the sparkles. Don't ever forget the sparkles. You could go crazy with glitter—which, you know, could get super messy—or you could get strategic and grab a few key sparkly elements which will have a huge impact. Whatever way you want to play it, it's going to be super simple to decorate for your killer New Year's Eve party—as long as you stick with us! Click through for our picks.
The Party Is Here: The Top 10 NYE Decorating Picks
Handheld Sparkle
Sparklers are basically a must for two national holidays, The Fourth of July is one, New Year's Eve is the other. These star-shaped mini sparklers are adorable and will look as good waiting to be lit as they will be all fizzy and on-fire.
$13.50 at Catbird.
Mirror Wall
If your main NYE decorating interest is surrounding yourself with as many mini reflective surfaces as possible, then this mirrored strand should be on your to-buy list.
$90 at Etsy.
Wrap Up Your Space
CONFETTISYSTEM is one of the most innovative, exciting companies out there—but the prices of their beautiful handmade piñatas and garlands can be a bit prohibitive. Enter this afforable option: gift wrap. Basically a photocopy of their amazing installations and jewelry, it'd make an equally as striking makeshift wallpaper that everyone will be taking photos in front of it all night.
$10 at Big Cartel.
Low Lighting
The right mood is everything for a party and lighting is basically the best way to achieve a fun, intimate feel. These pretty silver-flecked candleholders will go perfectly with your color scheme and also prove a good post-party keepsake.
$5 at West Elm.
Drop the Ball
Though a disco ball can often feel a bit dated, there's no denying that it gives off a really beautiful light effect. Pair this with all your other lighting schemes, and you've got an inventive winner. These are ornaments, which means not only are they small, but they're cheap—and we reckon that buying about a dozen and hanging them from the ceiling would be pretty awesome.
$1.95 at CB2.
Silver Bee
Is there anything cooler than metallic candles? Yes, apparently: beeswax metallic candles. We love beeswax because it smells amazing (seriously) and candles made from it burn for longer than candles made of other waxes. This particular pair also adds a nice bit of texture to your party landscape. Pair these with vintage candleabras.
$22 at Mackenzie Childs.
Confetti Rules
Put down the economy-sized glitter bucket you're currently considering. While sparkly glitter seems like the perfect go-to, you know it's going to be such a pain to clean up on the 1st (and after, because it will stick around). Check out this cute packet of fatty confetti: basically the same effect, but easier cleanup.
$8 at Etsy.
Colorful Garland
Feeling more color than silver-and-gold for NYE? This garland has your number: it'd look equally as cute at a festive surprise birthday party as at your end-of-year bash.
$16 at Etsy.
These sparkly stars will make a big impression—and have a kind of cool, vintage party thing going for them. Hang these against the wall or from the ceiling for a festive feel.
$27 at Etsy.
Use Your imagination
Here's where using your imagination can unlock awesome potential: these are marketed as air plant hangers, but swap out the green and replace it with something a little more "party" and you have the perfect NYE decoration. Or, buy a few, keep 'em plain, and hang them at different points along the ceiling and at different lengths. They're minimalist but also look a lot like cool post-modern gems or something.
$19 at Etsy.