Marry, Screw or Kill? The Valentine Movie Edition

Take This Waltz — 2011 indie starring Michelle Williams and Seth Rogan

Screw – This is really ideal for the new and lusty couple or to watch with a crush because it’s all about the build up and the drawn out, sexy flirtation.

Kill – If you are not feeling the romance this year, this is a good movie for you. There’s a lot to enjoy aesthetically outside of the romance, and there are some hot male and female leads. Bitter notions that love doesn’t last may find vindication in this story.

(Blue Valentine is of the same oeuvre.)

Breakfast At Tiffany’s – the classic Audrey Hepburn romance

Screw – This has the appeal of a romantic classic that every couple should see together once, even better if one of you can introduce it to the other. While sexy in a sophisticated way, this isn’t the film to kick off a night of passion.

Kill – You have to know yourself and your state of mind to know if you can handle watching Breakfast At Tiffany’s alone on Valentine’s Day. It is the classic girl comfort food of film, but is also in danger of putting you over the emotional edge.

(Sabrina and Funny Face are both also streaming.)

Reality Bites – Grungy classic full of your favorite 90s stars that still delivers a modern perspective on love

Screw – This is a fun movie that takes on some serious themes but manages to stay hysterically funny in parts. It’s a good early date movie if one of you hasn’t seen it, or if you want to rewatch some of your favorites together.

Kill – Again, know thyself. The drama and troublesome nature of the romantic entanglements in this movie may soothe you, and you will find company in the lonely hearts club. But, if life hasn’t been going your way, this could be a kind of depressing movie

(Another indie romantic comedy that’s equal parts romantic and depressing is Breaking Upwards, not great for couples.)

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