Like most models, her Instagram feed is full of gorgeous selfies and backstage shots, but that’s not why we love her. Ali’s posts are goofy, droll, and a little weird — basically, she seems like the sort of gal we want to be besties with. For every glamour shot, there’s one of her cross-eyed eating a pickle, and for every magazine outtake, there’s a video lip-synching 80s jams in her bathroom. Take her response to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: While laying under a pile of frozen treats from her freezer, she deadpans, “Everyone should donate to the cause. Because it’s a good one. And not just dump ice on their heads. Also, I’m not depressed, this is just my voice.”
We’ve rounded up some of Ali’s funniest IG moments below. Be sure to follow her here!
Ali Michael's Instagram
Ali Michael
#1 reason why we love her: her self-aware sense of humor is basically the opposite of celebs who demand Photoshop before they Instagram.
Ali Michael
How many other models do you see admitting they love In-N-Out Burger too?
Ali Michael
Oh, LA.
Ali Michael
She almost has us convinced that modeling's just a job like any other at this point.
Ali Michael
Not that there aren't tons of glamorous shots included, of course — the girl's still gorgeous.
Ali Michael
We just find those self-effacing captions so endearing.
Ali Michael
This deadpan video of Ali with her dad in a shopping cart pretty much sums it all up.
Ali Michael
Beau and fellow model Marcel Castenmiller is equally adorable — more of them together in a recent video for Urban Outfitters.
Ali Michael
No, tell us how you really feel.
Ali Michael
And last but not least: plenty of effortless 90s tomboy street style.