Lisanne De Jong: A tFS Exclusive Interview

As a follow up to yesterday’s exclusive photo investigation of Lisanne de Jong, entitled “Simulacra” we sat down with the sought after editorial model to get her thoughts on the personal project, her modeling career and more.

The Fashion Spot: Which picture is your favorite from this project?

tFS: Why did you choose to do the “Simulacra” project?

LDJ: Because I wanted to show a side of me a lot of people haven’t seen before.

tFS: How would you define your qualities as a model from other girls in the industry?

LDJ: I don’t like to “define” myself in comparison to other girls, but I think my qualities are that I can look both pretty and also boyish, which works in fashion. And I was born with some good genes 😉

tFS: What is your dream modeling job?

LDJ: Getting a perfume or makeup contract.

tFS: Do you feel pressured to have “other things” lined up for when you can’t model anymore?

LDJ: I don’t feel pressured, but it’s always good to think about these kinds of things. I’m not too worried about the future, as long as I’m enjoying what I’m doing right now. I’m already doing things other than modeling; I started studying psychology, it’s good to have a bit of a mixture, and to use my brain. 

tFS: What’s the most important thing to remember when you work in fashion? And as a model?

LDJ: I always think about the designers, how much work they have spent getting their collections together, and how much it means for them. I always try to be very careful and respectul, and to show the best side of me that I can. I think positivity is something very important, and if you feel positive and good about yourself, you’ll show that.

LDJ: It was my first haute couture show, for Dior S/S 2010. I was very nervous, because we had to be very over the top, walking and posing. There were different rooms, and in every room there where important fashion people. But as soon as I got up my nerve, it felt great – I felt like an actress from back in the ages, and with the music from Alicia Keys (“Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart”), I’ll never forget it. 

tFS: I read that some models said it all becomes really boring.

LDJ: I think fashion never gets boring. I still get surprised every day by collections, people, traveling.

tFS: Some people have been talking about how hostile it’s becoming.

LDJ: I think pressure can make people hostile, and especially during fashion week, which is understandable because everything is in such a short time frame and very pressured. Other than that, I think it’s not that bad.

tFS: Let’s talk about honesty. What’s the most fake thing about the fashion industry?

LDJ: Definitely the “glamour” part that people from the outside think of. I don’t really believe in glamour – basically, it’s work, and there is not much glamour when it comes to work. I think a lot of people don’t realize being a model is like being an athlete.

tFS: What’s the part you love most about people from the fashion industry?

LDJ: I love all the creativity people show. It’s amazing how many people have such big talent and dare to show it.

tFS: Do you feel like you have grown up too fast and the child within you wants to come out at times?

tFS: What’s it like going back to Holland after the fashion glitz and glamour of Paris, London and so on? 

LDJ: I really need it after a month of seeing only cameras, models and fashion around, to be in a “normal” world with my feet on the ground. I need that mixture of normal life, friends and family or else I’ll go mad.

tFS: Do you think the people you grew up with find you’ve changed?

LDJ: Yes, I think I got more serious and mature, and got to know myself more. Since I’ve been modeling, I’ve been traveling, I’ve seen a lot of the world, I’ve been meeting and working with so many interesting, creative, stupid, and smart people – it really changed me. I think life is all about experience and right now I’m also at an age (20) where you’re starting to think about yourself, who you are, what you want in life, what my goals are and which people I like to have around me.

tFS: Do you think you could ever lead a normal life after everything you are experiencing?

LDJ: Sometimes I do think about that, living such a crazy life never gets boring and it’s very exciting, but actually sometimes I do long for the “normal” life, going to University, living in Holland, partying as a student. But I think whatever you do, or whoever you are, something you can’t or don’t have makes you want to have it. I’m a person that can adapt very quickly to things, so I don’t think it will be hard for me to change. Of course, I will miss this life when I won’t be modeling anymore, but I’ll see it as an amazing experience that I will never forget.

LDJ: My cat! Haha. No, seriously, I’m not sure I’ll ever get married. It scares me.

tFS: Who would design your wedding dress?

LDJ: Chanel.

tFS: Since you have started modeling, what has been the hardest thing to deal with?

LDJ: Being away from family and friends.

tFS: What’s your biggest dream?

LDJ: To have the people I love with me until the end and to live a happy life!

tFS: Any beauty tips when you’re feeling run down or tired?

LDJ: Sleep!

tFS: What makes you feel the most beautiful, or when did you feel the most beautiful ever?

When someone really likes me as a person, that makes me feel beautiful and good.

tFS: What would you like to say to your fans on The Fashion Spot?

LDJ: Thanks for supporting me and following me, it really means a lot!





Photography: Bojana Tatarska

Styling: Morgan Hamada Ruiz

Hair: Shawn Mount @Artlist

Makeup: Megumi Zlatoff @Calliste Paris

Model: Lisanne de Jong @Nathalie Models Paris

Special thanks to Nathalie Models Paris

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