You can’t view, interpret or write about The Blonds fashion show like you would any other fashion show, and I’m pretty sure that’s how they want it. Part cool kids art show, part Vegas spectacle, if you were unsure of what you were in for, you’d only need to remember they dress Lady Gaga. When you think about it that way, their Fall 2011 Collection seems rather tame.

Yes, you may think you’ve seen a lot of sequins this week. Then some Chinese dragons bound down the runway followed by a collection of Orient inspired creations often encrused with sequins, if not just piled with straight up glitter. Apparently, a head-to-toe gold sparkly body suit felt like it needed something, and that something was a gold Cousin-It-inspired gold tinsel coat. Sure.

You have to look at these fashions as costume. I guess there’s probably a few Lady Gagas and Nicki Minajs out there that we haven’t even heard of yet, and they need clothes too. And some of the pieces could probably be pulled off by a normal person if you run with the fashion crowd or just style it way way down. But it’s best not to even think about trying to wear the clothes, just let the dragon chase you.

view all the looks in The Blonds Fall 2011 runway gallery >>