Pringle of Scotland Spring 2014: Beautifully Done Classics and Wardrobe Staples

It would be easy to dismiss the Spring 2014 Pringle of Scotland Collection as run of the mill women’s contemporary wear. At first glance there’s not a lot of innovation of design or fashion-forward thinking. The things that need to be taken into consideration, however, before making a hasty judgement, are the fact that new creative director Massimo Nicosia is still gaining his footing and that he’s doing it by doing amazing things with fabrication.

It’s kind of like how you have to build something simple with a new material to learn how it works, and then you can really let you’re creativity fly. Let’s hope that’s what Nicosia is doing with his knitted silks, pointelles, impossibly small argyle done in mesh overlay and by all accounts astonishingly soft leather in beautiful color.

“I feel I am as much an archivist of Pringle as designer,” he told “I have to preserve the past. But also I have to move forward by developing fabric technology, and create something very light out of something quite heavy. I have to create structure out of knit that is known for its very lack of structure.”

Knitwear is, after all, Pringle’s legacy, and Nicosia will do well to keep pushing its boundaries. 

What he did this season could be seen more as beautifully done classics and wardrobe staples, which are never not a good idea. In the season’s ubiquitous all white, there were twinsets, pencil skirts, and shift dresses galore along with some dashes of black, blue and orange. I see a diamond-print blue and white sweater becoming a must-have item for a certain set of women. 

While there wasn’t a lot to get really excited about in this collection, it seems there is a lot to look forward to.
