21 Questions with… Organic Designer John Patrick

We ask the designer of  Organic by John Patrick (and our April guest editor) our quickfire questions. 

  1. I usually get up around… 5 a.m.

  2. I would never leave my home without… a sharpened pencil.

  3. It’s important for me to have an eco approach to design because… I can’t think about design any other way. 

  4. My eco beauty essentials include… anything by Tata Harper.

  5. My favorite place to shop is… my own closet.

  6. When I’m stressed, I… take a step back and start over.

  7. My guilty pleasure is… sleeping for ten extra minutes.

  8. If my days had one extra hour, I’d… go on that long walk.

  9. The last thing I googled was… some obscure village looking for a weaver.

  10. The most cherished item in my closet is… an old handmade shirt from when I had more time on my hands.

  11. I’m dying to splurge on… a pair of handmade English boots OR Italian.

  12. When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I… eat extremely carefully.

  13. Right now I’m readingOrhan Pamuk.

  14. If you looked on my desk you’d see… a pocket dictionary and some foreign currency.

  15. A fashion trend I just don’t get… models as designers.

  16. My ideal day would include… beach and sunshine.

  17. My favorite place to travel… Italy.

  18. I’m excited for Spring 2014 because… we have lots of exciting projects we are working on.

  19. From the standpoint of sustainability, it’s important when shopping to remember… where something came from or was made.

  20. When I’m looking to get inspired, I… go to the library.

  21. The best advice I ever got… wear life like a loose garment

Previously — Organic by John Patrick: The Ethical Designer and Tiffies Winner Explains Why the Fashion System is Broken

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