Designer to Watch: Kaelen

tFS: You launched your own line less than a year after graduating — what made you think you could succeed in such a competitive market?

KH: I wasn’t thinking of the competition really, I guess I have faith that if you believe in what you are doing and what it represents, things will fall into place.

tFS: Can you tell us about your first collection? What made you show during New York Fashion Week at such an early stage?

KH: It was a capsule collection, so nothing too large. But really about tailoring and using special fabrics and original prints. I showed in a really raw loft space in Chelsea, so it didn’t seem like anything too overwhelming at the time.

tFS: What have been the biggest challenges in running a small design business?

KH: Everything! It’s a small business. The single biggest challenge is separating the creative from the business. You have to be able to understand how your business runs from every aspect. But you also have to be creative.

tFS: At what point did you think this could really work?

KH: I think after I had my first show. Seeing it all together for the first time as a collection made me take a step back.

tFS: Can you tell us a little bit about the process from idea to final product? What are some things people may not realize?

KH: It starts with fabric for me. I have to have the fabric picked out before I can even really fathom what it’s going to become. I end up sketching as I go.

tFS: Can you tell us about the process of becoming one of the designers in the CFDA Fashion Incubator program?

KH: It was a fairly long process — but super helpful. It forces you to look at your business under a microscope. You apply, then do a brand book and then have an interview process with the selection committee.

tFS: How has Kaelen changed since you joined the program?

KH: Having mentors in different areas of the same industry has helped evolve the brand at a rate I could never have imagined. It has helped the brand become more whole.

tFS: Where do you see your brand growing?

KH: I would love to evolve into e-commerce and maybe my own retail store. I love the idea of creating a world for the customer.

Pre-order the designer’s Spring 2015 collection now at Moda Operandi.

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