Images: Flashpoint /, Nikki Nelson/

Images: Adriana M. Barraza /, FayesVision/

Images: PNP/, Starbux/

Images:, C.Smith/

Images: Nikki Nelson/,
Tom Ford‘s white suit was Camilla’s unconventional choice for the 13th Annual Young Hollywood Awards in May of last year. Raven Kauffman Couture’s Luisa frost clutch and black Sergio Rossi Cachet pumps completed the tuxedo-inspired look. Her white floral print number from Miu Miu‘s Fall 2011 line was a more feminine option for the Miu Miu Presents Lucrecia Martel’s Muta event in July. Camilla’s Cartier jewelry and Miu Miu glitter pumps picked up on the understated sequins in her dress.