While reality shows often feature quirky competitors, last year’s Stylista was particularly notable for the colourful cast of characters that it starred. Yet, while conniving Megan and fake-accented Jonathan were memorable, it was Kate Gallagher who seemed to stir up the most controversy.
Q: Did you get the opportunity to interact much with the Elle staffers off-camera?
A: No, unfortunately when I wasn’t with the staff, I was with the cast – or what was left of them at the end of each episode. The night I left was an incredible relief. The minute I knew it was all over, I was surprisingly calm. I didn’t cry at all and waited on the set for someone to take me home. The lights had all been turned off, and everyone was just waiting to leave. It really felt like a TV show at that time. I gave Anne a hug, and when she got in the elevator she told me that it was just the beginning and that opportunities come up every day in life – you just need to be aware of them and ready.