It’s that time of year again; time to overdose on turkey, stuff yourself silly, and say thanks to all the fashion and beauty products in our lives for being so awesome. Here’s my Top 10 list of must-haves to be thankful for this year.

1. Concealer: Ah, concealer…where would I be without you? You’ve been there for me through the thick and thin, the good days, the bad days, and even the downright “ugly” days. You’ve disguised my blemishes, camouflaged my dark circles, and covered up my sun spots when nothing else could (or would). And for that concealer, I’m forever grateful.
2. Leggings: First of all, let me just say I love you. You’re my Thanksgiving Day (and any other lazy day) life saver. Because of you, leggings, I can eat as much turkey, pumpkin pie, and stuffing as I want this year and still look stylish. Now what other chic pants (besides your cousin jeggings, of course) can claim that?
3. Sweatpants: Dear sweatpants, when the elastic waistband on leggings has finally reached its limit, I can always count on you to snuggle up in and watch a good movie.
4. Lip Gloss: Sooo, you’re my best friend, basically. You always keep my lips in tip-top, gorgeous gloss condition. And when my boyfriend wants to kiss me, he’s so thankful you aren’t lipstick!
5. Oversized Sweaters: One word, amazing. You’re fashionable, you’re cozy, and you look ridiculously chic paired with your good friend leggings. Plus, you always let me devour as much food as I want (especially on Turkey Day) and you’re never, ever judgmental.

6. Clip In Hair Extensions: You the bomb, baby. When I clip you in, I suddenly feel like a glamorous movie star. You give me long luscious locks without the permanent commitment, and you always make my hair look super fab with little to no hassle. Plus, I can choose to wear you when and if I want to. Because no offense, extensions, but I do love my real tresses too!
7. Bronzer: Seriously, how pale would I look right now if I didn’t have you? You’re relatively inexpensive, save me from unwanted sun damage, and always know how to give me that nice healthy glow I crave on the regular. To be honest bronzer, I’d be lost without you…seriously.
8. Perfume: Oh, perfume—thank you for always, always, always making me smell like roses (and other scent-sational aromas). My boyfriend says thank you too, btw.
9. Spanx: Gosh, where do I even begin Spanx? I love you on my best days. I love you on my worst days. You allow me to wear outfits I never dreamed of squeezing into. And if we’re being totally honest here, I think you were pretty much made for Thanksgiving.
10. Straightener: Straightener, you rock. Ever since I discovered you in middle school (was it?), I’ve been totally hooked on your magic. You defrizz, smooth, and even curl my hair in under five minutes. And whenever I need a sleek do, you’re always there to lend a hand. Basically, I heart you. Xoxo, Liz.
Tell us, what products are you most thankful for?
images: cardiganempire.com, nastygal.com