Who is Jessica Jensen you ask? Only the most elegant signature designer label of leather handbags and small leather goods. The brand itself was born in 2008 and since that time it has carved out a niche for itself being sold at high-end retailers across North America. All it takes is one look at the collection to fall in love with the design, colors, and texture of the leather. Quality you can feel. It’s no wonder Jessica Jensen has been featured by everyone from Fashion Television, E-Talk Daily, and Global News and across the pages of Vogue, InStyle, Lucky, Accessories, Fashion, Flare, and Elle Canada. There’s just something about the handbags that makes you want to get your hands on them. It’s no wonder celebrities like Katie Holmes, Helen Mirren, Courteney Cox, Abigail Breslin, Emily Hampshire, and Kristin Booth have been spotted with Jensen’s bags both on and off the red carpet.

I met Jessica Jensen at a get together she was hosting in her beautiful home. I fell in love with her eye for beauty and quality, which I noticed through her choice of of art and decor. The Jessica Jensen annual Holiday Shop is an annual celebration. I love the idea of this because while you would expect everything to be priced to match the unbeatable quality, you can still find some great gifts under $50 like wallets, iPad sleeves, coin purses, and cosmetic bags to name a few. If you are looking for that one-of-a-kind stand out gift for that special person, there is a wide selection of purses and bags to choose from. Don’t believe me, take a look at the images below. Hurry up and stop by the Holiday shop, running until the end of December, located at 639 Queen Street West in Toronto.

Photo Credits: Sheldon Parsons